P.L.A.I.D. consists of Platform of Augmented Reality for Education and Training developed in partnership between UFMG (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais ) and CEMIG (the state energy company of Minas Gerais).
The main goal of the research is to create applications that can be used as learning and capacitation tools, especially in education centers far away from big cities with infrastructure through AR and VR technologies. The team was divided into three subgroups focused on different technologies and equipment, such as Hololens, Oculus Quest and a touch screen interactive panel.
Because of the available hardware, the main challenge is to create applications that could load on all machines using the same assets on all of them. All models, textures, materials, etc needed to be developed as low poly and weightless as possible.

Team: Research Team of the NEXT Lab - Architecture School of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (EA-UFMG)



